Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Fun

So for Halloween our apartment complex did a little dinner and trunk or treat thing out in the parking lot. It was actually really nice and we had a lot of fun seeing all the kiddos, and a lot of the parents dressed up. Ayana was a blue Care Bear and Asher was a green dinosaur/dragon (we never did decide for sure what he was) Thanks to Aunt Shannon and Grandma Linda, we even got both the costumes for free, yeah! The only thing better than having fun is having free fun! Ayana did not feel like cooperating for pics, but here is some cute ones of Asher. As part of the halloween party they took pictures of all the kids so hopefully one of those of Ayana will be better, if so I will post it when I get it. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!


  1. Actually, thanks to Grandma LaVoie who bought the costume for Aubrey a few years ago! Glad to pass it along. Maybe Katelyn can use it next year, although she'd probably roast in it here! I did just look at the ones of Aubrey wearing it and apparently it was not girly enough, because she is wearing a tutu over top! I will have to post it later, it is on the other computer.

  2. that's funny that you say it was not girly enough because several people thought Ayana was a boy, which I thought was weird because who would dress up a boy as a care bear, even if it is blue?

  3. Yes, we had that discussion in my house when we were getting the Care bear ready to send off...Christian wanted to be a care bear and thought it was okay for a boy, I couldn't do it!
